Some basic definitions with CAPI

From 2024, conversion events such as Purchases will be transferred to Facebook Ads Manager in a new way, called CAPI for short. Customers need to install it to be able to sync events (such as Purchases) to Ads Manager.

If you read the documentary and are still confused, what should you do to install CAPI? The answer is To-do-Nothing.

Pancake and Meta have AUTOMATICALLY moved all customers to CAPI, so unless there is a special purpose (setting up CAPI for IG, controlling data sets on Event Manager,...) you don't need to do anything else. .

1. What is CAPI (Conversion API)?

CAPI - Conversion API is a new way for third-party applications (like Pancake) to transfer order data to Facebook, storing it in a Dataset. Based on this data, Facebook will be able to automatically learn and optimize ads to better reach your customer base. From there, your advertising will be more effective

CAPI is different from Event API, you only need ONE API for all event data from different sources.

Unlike the previous Event API, you need to set up CAPI for your site to be able to synchronize order data.

See details about CAPI according to Facebook's documentation here

2. Dataset

Dataset help you connect and manage event data from different sources. This source can be websites, mobile applications, over-the-counter sales data, messaging data from third parties such as Pancake,...

Or we can say, the dataset will be the place to store all the activities from different sources that you connect.

Example: You have dataset X linked to Facebook page A, Instagram page B, WhatsApp page C. Then, you link dataset X to all 3 pages above via CAPI, all event data of 3 pages above will be recorded in data file X

See details about the Facebook data file here

3. Manage dataset

You may have many different dataset, to manage the dataset you will need to use Event Manager.

Meta Event Manager is a tool that helps you track and manage event data. Here, you can install, monitor, and debug the data sources you have installed. You can also use Events Manager to cross-compare events from different sources, or create customer files.

Manage dataset at the link:

See details about Event Manager here

Last updated