Abandoned Cart

How to set up Abandoned cart reminder to client’s WhatsApp using Pancake

When a user adds a product to the online shopping cart of an e-commerce site which is linked to Shopify but doesn't proceed to checkout and complete the purchase → This is called the "abandoned cart", and remind the clients of this can actually help you raise 40% your revenue.

First you need to make sure you’ve activated both POS and Botcake for your Pancake’s account.

1. Connect your Shopify into POS

You can connect your Shopify to POS by 2 ways: by Application ID and Secret Key, or by Application's access_token.

Please refer to this link: https://docs.pancake.vn/v/english/4.12-sales-channel-integrations/3.-shopify-integration

2. Configure to prompt customers to confirm orders in POS

In POS, choose “Configuration” → “Automated Order”

In “Automatically send message”, you can see the function “Configure to prompt customers to confirm orders” → click “Config”

In the Config table, choose the order source as “Shopify”

Choose the cart you wish to send reminder about

Note: this means the reminder will be about the abandoned cart 1 or 2 days ago.

You can continue to config this by 2 ways, using POS or Botcake (POS is for businesses using Messenger/Instagram, and those using WhatsApp communicate with the customers, please choose Botcake)

  • Using POS - for businesses using Messenger/Instagram

  1. Choose the sending platform as “POS”:

  1. Fill in the content, with the variables below

Click “OK”.

  • Using Botcake - for those businesses using WhatsApp

You can add up to 5 variables, as the picture shown below, so make sure you add variables to the templates

  1. After your template is successfully verified, attach it to a sequence on Botcake

Note, when you attach the flow to a sequence, it will appear as below

Note, when you attach the flow to a sequence, it will appear as below

Please fill in the body params with these variables

  1. On POS, continue to choose the sending platform as “Botcake”

  1. Click “Add” and attach the sequence you’ve just created on Botcake to POS

Click “OK”.

3. Set the notification on Pancake

Back to the Configuration on POS, choose “Notification” → “Pancake”

Select the WhatsApp you wish to trigger the abandoned cart message.

All done !

Last updated